§ 38-570. Provisions.  

Latest version.
  • Screening and/or fencing which may be required by this article or by the zoning committee shall be subject to the following provisions:


    Any use or conditional use listed in this article requiring screening or fencing shall be permitted only when authorized by the county zoning committee and subject to its approval of a screening or fencing plan for that particular use.


    Planting or other suitable screening, including fences or freestanding walls shall be required when deemed necessary for the screening or enclosure purposes by the county zoning committee; such as around outdoor storage yards, industrial property lines, salvage yards, refuse disposal sites, quarries, mines, mobile home parks, trailer camps, and campgrounds. Such provisions shall be required to the extent needed to provide for:


    Screening of objectionable views.


    Enclosure of storage materials.


    Public health and safety.


    A suitable setting for the particular use or other facilities.


    Screen planting.


    Adequate to screen objectionable views effectively within a reasonable time; in some cases, temporary screening devices may be required until suitable screen planting can be achieved.


    Other planting: For mobile home parks and campgrounds, other planting should be adequate in size, quantity, and character to other improvements, to provide adequate privacy and pleasant outlook for living units to minimize reflected glare.


    Existing planting: Acceptable as required planting to the extent that it is equivalent, suitable, and preserved in good condition.


    Fences and walls: Appropriately designed for the function intended and shall be substantially constructed to withstand conditions of soil, weather, and use.


    All screening, fences, and walls required by this article shall be maintained so as not to provide an objectionable view by themselves.

(Ord. of 3-19-2002, Art. XXV, § 250)